Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Strategies, Techniques & Tips To Help You Finally Lose Weight The Right Way

There isn't much that hasn't already been said about how to lose weight, but what really works? What may work for one person might not work for another. Losing weight is really only based on making a lot of small changes in a lot of places, starting with what you eat, changing your exercise routine, and even changing the way you think. That's why it is best to educate yourself first to find out what suits your needs. One of the first things you should probably do, is tackle your cravings head on. Here is some information you should take into consideration that will help you do so.

WHEN UPSET, THINK LIKE A GUY. Ok, I know what your probably thinking right now. "What's that supposed to mean? Is this person sexist.?" Well I asure you I am not. There is a good reason why you should learn to think this way, that is if you are already not a guy. You see, in general, guys are more likey to reach for meat to eat rather than sweets when upset, which is much healthier for you because of the protein (just be careful not to go for fried or processed meat like fried chicken, hotdogs or burgers). Men also have a tendency to go out and do something physical when upset. That means taking off the cookie pants and putting on the jogging pants, instead of sitting in front of the tv and stuffing yourself with sweets. Or you could dance to a few songs, clean, walk, or do whatever. Even playing the piano or doing something similar for a half hour or so is most likely going to be better than eating something, cause chances are you are, you're gonna reach for something unhealthy. Only eat if you are actually hungry, and if so, go for the protein. Otherwise, just think of something to do that's gonna raise your dopamine or serotonin level and that should help resolve your cravings.

AVOID EATING SIMPLE OR WHITE CARBS. These are the bad carbs. Things like all-purpose flour and cane sugar can be a nuisance cause they tend to be everything. You find sugar and white flour in almost everything that isn't a raw food. Over time they can quickly add up. And if you are at a desk job all day and have a family to take care of, you are probably not putting in enough hours of physical activity to work it off. It may not be your fault, but you have to have a trained eye for those types of things if you want to maintain control. Things like bagels and muffins may seem like an innocent indulgeance for breakfast, but they are actually entirely the opposite. I used to eat bagels for breakfast occationally and I always noticed that my heart rate was higher on those mornings. It started to concern me so I decided to look at the label of contents from the package that the bagel came from. To may utter shock I found out that that one bagel I had been eating almost every morning contained 56 grams of carbohydrates. That's as much as a regular can of pop. I couldn't believe it. Muffins are just as bad, so do not be fooled.

By the way, there is also a great program that explains how what you are eating could seriously make an impact on how much you weigh. And I am not talking about normal information you already know. This program explains how you can lose weight by eating things like bacon, eggs, and real butter. I was like "What!?" when I first learned this. And I also learned more about how my old approach to food was all wrong. It's a great  program. If you want to know more about it, click here :) (note, there is something wrong with this link, so if you come across a warning page, just ignore it and go to the bottom of the page where it says "enter at your own risk" and click on the link. I asure you that there is nothing wrong with this page and it isn't going to give you a virus or anything, the link just needs to be fixed.)

THROW OUT THOSE ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS. While they may reduce calories, they are known to lead to more sweet cravings. I have also seen first hand what they can do to a women on menopause. My mother used to have a common artificial sweetener everyday and complained about feeling sick a lot and having severe hot flashes. One day, she decided to switch to Truvia, and the symptoms improved dramatically. In my opinion, artificial is never the way to go with anything you eat or drink.

TRY TO STAY AWAY FROM CAFFEINE. Caffeine has been known to trigger more cravings later on. So be very limited on regular coffee and shoot for decaf instead. And seriously cut back on the pop, for other reasons as well. Energy drinks are not all they are cracked up to be either, so be very limited on them and if possible, get rid of them altogether.

KEEP MINTY THINGS WHERE YOU CAN REACH THEM. Things like gum or even toothpaste will help you to get rid of your cravings for sweets. It has worked for me well and I have noticed that when I don't have gum in reach when I am craving something, I am more than twice as likely to give into my craving.

TAKE A DEEP BREATH. Everyone one needs a breath once in awhile. Just one deep breath could give yourself a moment to really stop and think about what you were going to do or not going to do. It may help you stop yourself from grabing the wrong food or giving up on that exercise you were supposed to do. So the next time you want to do something that you know you shouldn't, just stop, close your eyes and take a nice long deep breath and think about what you were about to do, really hard. Think about the consequences and how much you know that it's not worth it. Then...just walk away. It sounds crazy, but this strategy really does work though it might take some time to learn it.

There are of course a lot of other small changes you should definately try to make as well. Decides tackling your cravings, here are some tips about what you should be eating, and how you should be eating it, and what else might help you.

EAT AT LEAST FIVE SERVINGS OF VEGETABLES A DAY. It doesn't matter what kind of vegetables as long as you are eating them. Over time, learn to eat the most healthy of veggies to reduce calorie and sugar intake even more. You can do this by looking up a glycemic index chart that shows you which vegetables (and fruits) are high and low in sugars. The lower the glycemic index, the better the are for you. TAKE CAUTION WHEN EATING POTATOES! A lot of people think that just because potatoes are considered to be a veggie, that they can eat them all day long. This is absolutely NOT true. There isn't a lot of nutrition value in potatoes and they are higher in calories (excluding the sweet pototoes) so try to stay away from them. ALL OTHER VEGGIES CUT CALORIES AND MAKE YOU FEEL FULL LONGER!

DRINK MORE MILK. Studies show that if you drink a cup of milk in the morning, you're more likely to feel fuller later. Three cups a day is recommended, but even replacing a pop with a cup of milk could help make all the difference.

ADD FIBER TO YOUR DIET. If you add fiber supplements to your diet, it may help you feel fuller faster. This is especially true if you have them as soon as you get up in the morning and then eat breakfast about 20 - 30 minutes after taking them. Just don't over do it, since they are a mild but natural laxative.

CHOOSE WISELY WHEN BUYING GRAIN. Most bread companies now put labels on their bread saying that it contains a certain number of grams of whole grain and that it doesn't contain any high fructose corn syrup. While that may be true, you should still look at the ingredients list on the back of the loaf. A lot of times sugar will be near the top of the list. If this is so, you want to avoid buying that bread. Look for sugar being as from from the top of the list as possible. I personally like to eat multi-grain bread cause it tends to have a more course texture, which is good cause that means it is more likely to contain a lot more nutrients. I know it's a healthier choice when I can see chunks of grain and nuts mixed in the bread.

FAT ISN'T ALWAYS BAD. Fat helps slow down the digestion process and it makes it harder to get a blood sugar spike when you eat fat. This is a very good thing. But you should keep a limit to the amount of bad fat you eat. Also, there is such a thing as GOOD FAT. It can be found in things such as raw nuts, which are also rich in protein and make a great filling snack.

TAKE AN OMEGA 3 SUPPLEMENT. Omega 3 (fish oil) is extremely important when it comes to energy levels and counter-acting bad fat (Omega 6). Most people don't know this but Omega 6 is the bad fat we eat everyday. This includes things like fries. Omega 6 is neccessary for survival just like Omega 3, and there should be about an equal balance between the two. The only problem with places like America is that most people there don't eat enough fish, nuts or other things containing Omega 3 to counter-act the rediculous amount of Omega 6 they are intaking every day. Because of this, those people will feel tired, fatigued, possibly depressed and having mood swings, which in turn makes them want to eat more bad stuff which just makes them worse. To take a hold of this vicious cycle and put it to an end to it you should buy some Omega 3 supplements and add 2 servings of fish to your diet per week or more. Salmon and walnuts are rich in Omega 3. You should also continue to try to cut back on the bad fats you eat so you feel better inside and out.

PORTION SIZE, PORTION SIZE, PORTION SIZE! The main problem now a days with peoples eating habits, is that they have a problem with keeping track of how much they are actually eating. Just the slightest mis-calculation could add up quickly. The main things to worry about keeping track of portion size with are things that may be fatening, sugary, or that possibly contains a lot of bad carbs. You should only eat what ever the serving size is or less, at one time. When it comes to vegetables, don't bother with portion control, cause this is the type of food that's going to give you satisfaction through vitamins and minerals.

EAT SMALL PORTIONED MEALS OFTEN. Eating every 3 to 4 hours is way better than eating 3 large meals a day. It's just easier for your body to process your food and you will be less likely to over eat later. You will be used to eating small amounts and therefore only require small amounts to make you feel full.

MAKE EVERY MEAL A VARIETY. When you eat a meal, try to make sure that it's has a variation. Make sure it has enough protein, since protein will help drive cravings away. And it should definately contain vegetables, or atleast some kind of fruit. And a grain on the side helps to make you feel fuller as well, just make sure it's a whole or natural grain, like brown rice. NEVER INSTANT RICE OR OATMEAL. In the instant versions of these grains, the fiber has been stripped away which is why it now cooks faster. The longer it takes to cook, the better it is for you.

MAKE YOUR MEALS PRETTY TOO. Always make sure that the food and food placement on your plate looks appealing to the eye or pretty, if you will. The more appealing it is to look at, the more likely you are going to feel satisfied as this tricks your mind into thinking you have eaten more. This is an ancient Japenese way of eating and it's part of the reason they have the lowest sickness and obesity rate in the world.

STOP EATING WHEN YOU ARE 80% FULL. Once you are starting to feel full, just stop. It will prevent you from over eating and prevent the "I'm so full, I think gonna be sick!" feeling later. This is also an ancient Japanese technique.

FIND A GROUP OF HEALTHY MEALS YOU CAN RELY ON AND EAT THEM OFTEN. You can enjoy yourself here and there, but stick to the basics of being healthy. RAW FOODS ARE THE BEST CHOICE. That's food that hasn't been tampered with. Meaning, no processed food. I personally love a meal that consists of grill chicken with lots of seasoning and just a teaspoon of butter melted into it for moisture and taste with a side of seasoned sauteed vegetables. And you could add cheese on top for extra flavor and it's more filling that way. Also, if you sautee the veggies, use a healthier oil such as olive oil or canola oil or a mix of both, just don't use too much canola as it is not as healthy as olive oil.

IF YOU ARE STARTING TO GET HUNGRY, AND DINNER IS FAR FROM DONE, EAT A SNACK. It will help you tremendously if you eat a small snack before a meal. Your mind will tell your stomach that you are getting full a lot sooner if you eat about 20 minutes in advance. In turn, you will not eat nearly as much as you would have if you would have let your self go hungry for that short period of time.

COUNTING CALORIES CAN HELP. You should consider counting calories, especially when starting out. That way you can see exactly how much you have been eating, and the results may shock you. But don't let it upset you too much. Just go through all of the foods you like to eat on a regular basis and target the foods that are highest in calories. Chances are, these foods are probably on the unhealthy side. Try to cut those foods out of your diet first, or at least reduce how much of it you are eating, then go from there. It should become clear pretty quickly where you were going wrong with your diet, and that way it is easier to fix. But remember, if you are eating the right foods over 90% of time, you shouldn't have to count calories.

LET YOURSELF INDULGE FROM TIME TO TIME. I'm sure you were probably not expecting that statement, but everyone does need a break at some point. You can have dessert or french fries and still continue to lose weight. You just have to learn to eat it differently than before. Next time you hit up a fast food place, grab the medium fry instead of the large. You will see that it satisfies you more than what you may have thought it would. Once you get use to doing that, you should try to go for the small fry instead. You wouldn't believe the amount of calories you will save just from down grading one size. You should also let yourself have something sweet, but once again, in a smaller size. I used to grab the full size cheesecake at the store and eat it all by myself in a matter of a couple of days. That's crazy right? Well now, I have a new rule about cheesecake. I only buy it once a month, unless it's a special occasion. And I buy the mini cheesecake instead and usually eat it over a weekend. Ever since I cut all that sugar out of my diet, I get literally sick if I eat too much. That's my bodies way of telling me it's unhealhty, but you will probably not have these results unless you get your body unused to having a lot of sweets at one time. You must learn to love small quanities at a time, to avoid having a sudden "high then crash" effect. You will see overtime that that was all you really needed in the first place.

Now let's look at some things that you should NEVER do at all costs.

DON'T TALK DOWN TO YOURSELF. Do not put yourself down if you mess up. You are human, and there's about a 97% chance you will fail at some point. Just don't let it get to you. Count it into your weightloss plan as a mini break and if it really bothers you that much, try to make some more changes to your diet or exercise plan to make up for the loss. But DON'T PUSH YOURSELF TOO HARD. BE REALISTIC WITH EVERYTHING YOU DO!

DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF! I don't know how many people, including myself at one time, actually thinks or thought that this strategy really works. Sure, you might lose weight at first, but in the long run, the consequences can be beyond imaginable. First, your metabolism will slow down cause your body thinks that you are not getting enough food so it tries to store fat. Then, you will begin to crave things, and possibly have cravings so bad that they are uncontrollable and you find yourself over eating later on. Soon you will be right back to where you started or worse, with even more weight packed on than before. So do yourself a favor and throw this option out the window for good.

DON'T EAT SUGAR IN THE MORNING. It's best to hold off on anything that's very sugary until the evening since eating sugar makes you crave more sugar later. If you need something sweet, have some fruit instead. It will keep you more satisfied. I would not suggest having juice in the morning either since most juice that is store bought contains added sugar and can have the same bad effect on you as a pop or small dessert.

DO NOT EAT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED. It is best to give yourself atleast 3 hours between your last meal or snack before you go to bed. If you sleep on a full stomach, it may make you feel hungrier when you wake up. You are also not working off those extra calories before you sleep so it will cause you to gain weight instead of losing it.

DON'T LOSE WEIGHT TOO FAST. If you lose weight too fast, it might cause the opposite effect and you will either hit a platue or gain it all back and plus some. Losing 1 - 2 pounds a week at most is best. You can lose more than that, but just be careful and fully aware of your bodies reaction to fast weightloss if you decide to try this method. That why you can stop yourself if you notice that you are starting to crave things our of the ordinary or more than before. Also, if you are eating too little calories, you body may slow your metabolism down too much and you will actually gain weight this way. If this happens, eat at matenience for a couple of weeks then try again, but still continue to exercise. And make sure that you don't eat less than 1200 calories a day. It's very unhealthy and unrealistic.

Here is some other information regarding physical and mental health that is very important as well when it comes to losing weight and achieving a healthy life style.

GET PHYSICAL. Most likely your main problem when it comes to getting up off the couch is just that. You don't move enough. Think about how it was back in the old old days. People had to walk days to get places, and they had to clean things without modern technology. Everything they cooked was made from scratch and they even had to grow their own food source. On top of that, they didn't have a deep fryer. Most of what they ate was cooked over an open flame, which is the healthiest form of cooking. Just think: THE NATURAL WAY, at all times. Living in the modern day America is definately a gift, but it can be a curse when it comes to your health if you're not careful. So...find things to do, even if you don't feel like it. Actually, find something physical to do especially if you don't feel like. Unless you are busting your tail physically all day at work, you should take every opportunity you get to up and move around. If you have a list of chores that needs to be done, FINISH THEM. Training your mind and body to cope with moving at the most undesirable moments will help it become a routine and automatic. It will be hard at first, but well worth it later on.

Also, studies show that if you exercise in the morning before you eat breakfast, you will lose more weight. Though I would suggest eating a small snack before hand so that way you don't feel hungry. Just wait to eat the actually morning meal until after the exercise.

And speaking of getting more physical, there is a great product that was created by the very well known successful fitness expert, Mike Geary. The product is called "The Truth About Abs" and it's considered a best selling product with great reviews. I would definately suggest checking it out either through this article link or at The Truth About Abs website.

LOOK FOR SUPPORT. Buddy systems work great. The power of two verses one can make all the difference. You are more likely to fail by yourself, than if you are keeping track of your progress with a close friend or family member. You can keep each other motivated to keep going, and you can exercise together to make it more enjoyable and it seems to make the time go by quicker as well. Try to schedule atleast 3 days a week or more that you can to get together and workout. And don't forget to keep track of both your weight and measurements.

GET ORGANIZED WITH YOUR LIFE. Organization can help tremendously when it comes to losing weight. It will help you stay on top of your goals because you can look at them from a black and white perspective. Writing everything down that you do or eat in a journal or a log it is a great way to start. Even writing down your emotions or moods on a certain day and then looking at what did that day and what you ate could make it easier to see how it effects your physical energy or how you eat. You don't have to go all out and buy a whole bunch of fancy stuff to do this. You could simply start with using a data log like Open Office or Excel to keep track of your progress on your computer. There is also this great website that will help you do all of these things and all of the research on calories and nutritional information has already been done for you. It's called
www.caloriecount.com. It's kind of like Weight Watchers except it's completely FREE! I use it myself. 

GET RID OF BAD STRESS. Stress is everywhere no matter what you do, but distinguishing the bad stress from the good stress and then getting rid of the bad stress can be hard. Bad stress can cause you to over produce the hormone cortisol which makes your body think that there is a threat and in turn makes you store more fat rather than losing it.

PACE YOURSELF AND EVERYTHING YOU DO. Don't freak out over the little things, they aren't worth it. And make sure that you make goals that you can keep, that way you don't have guilt weighing you down later for not keeping your goals. Just because you can't achieve a weight goal as fast you would have liked to, doesn't mean that you are any less of a person. Make sure you plan for set backs, cause chances are, they are gonna happen.

HAVE PATIENCE AND PERSISTANCE. There will most likely be a time of failure in this journey. And there is a great possibility of many failures along the way, but don't let any of them stop you. For example, don't let one person's words of hatred destroy your desire to achieve. And don't let a weight plateau or a little bit of weight gain stand in your way. Just adjust to the environment you may be stuck in and make the changes neccessary. You are in control of you, not the world, and not your body. So make it happen. Don't let yourself go, only to look back five years from now and regret that decision. There is a spark in all of us, so do yourself a favor...find that spark, and keep it burning.

WHEN YOU ARE FEELING DISCURAGED, LOOK UP A WEIGHTLOSS SUCCESS STORY. Read it all and take it to heart. Or you could talk to someone supportive about your issue. Do what ever you got to do, but don't forget to BE CONSISTANT. Without the will and the work, there won't be success. Just remember it's human to get discouraged sometimes, just don't let it get the best of you.

SELF CONTROL IS NO DOUBT THE EPICENTER OF IT ALL. Self control is everything. Without it you are sure to fail. You must try to align your subconcious mind with you concious mind at all times to help prevent slip ups. What I mean by that is, when you get a craving for something or find yourself about to reach for the chips, you must stop everything right there. Think for moment before giving into your craving and ask yourself, "Why am I craving this particular item?" There could be a number of reasons. If you aren't getting enough sleep it may cause you to feel more hungry and crave more things cause your body thinks your energy level is too low to cope with, so your mind automatically tells you to get a quick fix. Unfortunately, our minds tend to lean towards the things that contain a lot of bad carbs or bad fats. Just do whatever it takes to control yourself; whether it's meditation, finding distractions, or prayer, etc.; you must do your BEST to try to find something to help you get through. As long as it is something constructive and you're not beating yourself up for feeling a certain way, you will in time overcome this or possibly another obstacle in your life that has a stronghold over you. Just perservere and never give up. That in itself is true success.

Best Hopes To You All,
Marissa R Osborne